It’s that time of year you always dread: You’ve woken up with a scratchy throat, 顽固的咳嗽, 还有很多交通堵塞.
If you have seasonal allergies — also called allergic rhinitis or hay fever — you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have allergies that come 和 go with the seasons.
Despite how common allergies are, there are many misconceptions about them. 以下是一些最常见的过敏神话背后的真相:
Myth: People with seasonal allergies should be mostly concerned about flowers.
The most common trigger of seasonal allergies is a yellowish powdery substance called pollen. 花粉颗粒可以进入你的肺部, 鼻子, 或眼睛, 如果你对花粉过敏,它们会在哪里引起症状.
Flowers are well-known producers of pollen, but pollen can be created by many types of plants. Seasonal allergies tend to be caused by the pollen made from trees, grass, or weeds.
没有一个 “最糟糕的“sea-son. It’s true that many people experience their worst allergies during the spring, but others find that summer or fall are the most uncomfortable. This is because different pollens are created in each season:
也没有 “每个季节里最糟糕的一个月, since the exact timing of an allergy season varies across the country.
Myth: If you have seasonal allergies, you’re basically stuck inside until the season is over.
有些时候最好还是呆在家里, 但这并不意味着你永远不能享受户外活动.
Some people find it helpful to check the day’s pollen count before deciding whether or not to go outdoors for a long period of time. 这是对空气中花粉含量的测量. 你可以在上面找到每天的十大正规赌博平台大全 十大正规赌博平台大全的主页. Addi-tion-al-ly, there are several websites where you can find both current 和 forecasted pollen counts, 比如 国家过敏症局 和 花粉.com. Some smartphone weather apps also include information about pollen counts.
如果你确实需要在花粉高的日子花时间在户外, there are several precautions you can take to minimize your symptoms:
- 戴口罩
- Keep your grass short — but try to leave the actual gardening to someone who doesn’t have allergies
- 进屋后要冲洗干净
- 宠物出门后给它们刷牙
It’s also a good idea to keep short-term symptom relief medications like decongestants on h和.
Myth: You don’t need to start allergy medications until you start having symptoms.
Allergy medications don’t just treat symptoms — they can prevent them, too.
关键是要尽早开始服用. 如果你已经知道你有过敏症, 在你预计症状开始前两周开始服用. This allows your body to get used to the medication so you can get the most benefits out of it.
要了解更多关于缓解过敏症状的信息, make an appointment with a South Bend Clinic allergy specialist.
Antihistamines — medications that block a symptom-causing chemical called histamine that your body releases when having an allergic reaction — are among the most effective allergy medications. They have a reputation for making you sleepy, but that’s not always the case. 有一些不会让人昏昏欲睡的反他的地雷, 如菲诺-纳-丁(Alle-gra®), lorata-dine (Clar-itin®), et - i - rizine (Zyrtec), 这样就不太可能让你感到疲惫.
此外,并不是所有的过敏药物都是抗过敏的. 许多其他类型的咖啡因并不会导致嗜睡, such as corticosteroids that block inflammation related to allergies, immunotherapy shots that train your immune system not to respond to allergens, 而decon - ges - ants提供快速, 暂时缓解鼻窦充血.
Myth: Since decongestants (like Afrin® 和 Sudafed®) are available over the counter, 它们使用起来总是安全的.
Decongestants provide relief for a stuffy 鼻子 or clogged sinuses. Many are available over the counter as pills, liquids, or nasal sprays. 而解毒剂可以很好地快速缓解症状, they should not be used on a long-term basis — 和 some people should avoid certain decongestants altogether.
There are a few types of decongestants, 和 each comes with their share of potential risks:
- Oxymetazoline (Afrin® Nasal Spray or Zicam® Nasal Spray) can cause rebound congestion — when congestion returns 和 is worse than before — if used for more than 3 days in a row.
- Oral decongestants like pseudoephedrine (Sudafed®) or phenylephrine (Sudafed PE®) shouldn’t be taken for more than 7 days in a row. 随着时间的推移, 口服止痛药可以提高你的心率和血压, which can increase your risk for serious complications like heart attacks.
- Don’t take oral decongestants if you have uncontrolled or severe high blood pressure. Check with your provider before taking decongestants if you have heart or thyroid problems, dia-betes, glau-co-ma, 由于前列腺肥大而排尿困难, 或者怀孕了.
过敏往往发生在生命的早期. However, allergies can ebb 和 flow, or not even show up until adulthood.
- 免疫系统衰弱:随着年龄的增长, your immune system gets weaker 和 can increase your likelihood of developing diseases, 包括过敏反应.
- Medication changes: Some medications for conditions like anxiety or insomnia contain antihistamines. If you stop taking them, you might notice symptoms that were once masked by the medication.
- 压力:变老或生活方式的改变会导致甚至更糟的是压力, 这可能会引发过敏发作.
- Moving to a New Environment: You may move to a new place where you’re exposed to a different environment 和 new allergens.
不管你什么时候开发它们, seasonal allergies can make you feel anywhere from slightly uncomfortable to downright lousy. 但你没必要这么可悲. 有很多方法可以缓解或预防症状.
An allergist or primary care provider can help you find the most effective way to manage your allergies. 在那之前,拿一盒纸巾.